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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Hotkey move window mapped to multimedia keys (using scripts)
Obssesion   2003-09-17 04:15
Hi to all,

With these scripts you can set as HotKeys the "multimedia keys" presents in many new keyboards (such Mail, My Computer, Explorer, etc.). I hope that in the future the Realtime Soft team incorporate this functionality in the UltraMon, but now:

1. Copy this scripts to one folder in your disk.
2. Install TWeakUI from Microsoft.
3. Run TWeakUI, and set in Explorer/Command Keys your favourite key to run your preferable script.

If you found usefully these scripts and now *how to mode also the mouse pointer* (I'm also using the X-mouse tweak), please update it.


[Move window to next monitor.vbs]
Dim wnd
Set wnd = CreateObject("UltraMon.Window")

If wnd.GetForegroundWindow() = True Then
wnd.Monitor = -1
wnd.ApplyChanges 0
End If

[Move window to previous monitor.vbs]
Dim wnd
Set wnd = CreateObject("UltraMon.Window")

If wnd.GetForegroundWindow() = True Then
wnd.Monitor = -2
wnd.ApplyChanges 0
End If
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Hotkey move window mapped to multimedia keys (using scripts)

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