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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Total gcard upgrade... best video in/out card pci?
GregD   2003-09-18 03:56
Hi guys

Planning on going with a Matrox G450MMS Quad DVI on AGP, but id also like to have a card on PCI to do vid capture and use as video out. Any Suggestions?

Im running:

1.1ghz athlon tbird
Via chipset mobo
512 RAM
AIW Radeon 32DDR

Before anyone says anything I do not want to upgrade this PC (other than gcards) because im getting a new PC with a parhelia 256meg, however I was advised not to add a PCI gcard for 3 DVI due to possibility of static on audio (its a music production PC).

I really want 3 DVI out so i figured I would get the G450MMS Quad DVI for my current PC, this means I have to ditch my AIW 32DDR radeon as im worried about compatibity issues. Thus I lose TVin/out.

To sum up i need possibility of 3DVI and tv in/out which will work on the above spec decently.

The 3 DVI part i think i have covered with the G450MMS so any recomendations for a vid capt card that would be compatible?
ecarlson   2003-09-18 04:59
TV out requires a video card, so you will need some sort of PCI video card for that.

If you're not playing 3D cames on the dual-DVI PCI card, then it should work fine, so if you haven't purchased your cards yet, you might want to go back to considering a dual-DVI PCI card.

Perhaps get a nice NVidia card with VIVO (Video in/Video out) for AGP, along with a similar NVidia dual-DVI PCI card.

Total cost of both cards should be around $200-250.

PS: I just got a nice TV/FM/Vid Capture card from for $46 (free shipping, plus a free T-Shirt). It's the Leadtek WinFast TV2000XP Deluxe. Of course, there's no Video Out, since it's not a video card.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Total gcard upgrade... best video in/out card pci?

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