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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Force output on dualhead card to Gateway Destination - geforce 2 mx
Justin   2003-09-18 19:54
Hi, I have a Winfast Geforce2mx DH Pro, when i hook up 2 ordinary monitors they both work at the same time fine. However, when I put my Gatewar Destination 31-inch Monitor (7000441) on the second channel of the dual head card, it's never recognized. I know the gateway works perfectly, but for some reason it just can't be recognized. Is there anyway to Force output on the second channel? I know with my Radeon on my laptop that i can enable the second channel regardless of whether or not anything is physically hooked up to it, is there anyway to do this on a geforce? Driver setting? Registry hack? anything.

One more thing, the Destination monitor is basically an ordinary TV, but it's only input is an regular RGB monitor type input.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Force output on dualhead card to Gateway Destination - geforce 2 mx

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