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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI TV Wonder Pro better than VE for multiple monitors?
Jason   2003-09-21 03:41
I am wondering if anyone has bought the new ATI TV Wonder Pro card and gotten it to work with multiple monitors?

I currently have the TV Wonder VE and it works in the primary monitor, but the only way to get it to work in the secondary monitor is to click the "TV" button in the windows toolbar which will get it to pop up in a side-bar window off to the side of the window.

I am suspecting this is a driver limitation since obviously the video can be displayed in either window.

Anyone who knows the answers, please let me know!

Sundeep   2003-10-22 14:48
hey Jason,

i have come across the same problem that you are having but just with differnt hardware. I found that the problem was the software not the hardware. So i got WinDVR from interVideo and got it to work with no problems.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI TV Wonder Pro better than VE for multiple monitors?

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