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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 9600 multi monitor question
KevinST   2003-09-22 19:43
Hi all,

I'm currently running a vNidia Ti4200 with multi monitors.
The monitors are configured as seperate desktops (i.e. Win2K sees the card as 2 seperate cards) instead of just extending the desktop accross the 2 monitors.
Is this possible on the 9600pro, or does ATI's multi monitor support treat both monitors as the same desktop?


Barton   2003-09-23 03:35

Hydravision (ATI's counterpart to nView from nVidia) treats both monitors as one big desktop.

In my office, I have a Radeon 7000 and am using the latest Catalyst drivers and there is no option to have independent displays. I'm stuck with one big 2048x768 display. I even received confirmation from ATI that indicates that not only don't they support independent resolutions on their dual-head cards, but they don't support the ability to rotate the displays like nVidia does either. That's why I use nVidia at home.

While ATI might be great for gaming, for all other practical applications, Nvidia is the only way to go.

That's my two cents worth.

ecarlson   2003-09-23 10:50
Thanks for the info about ATI cards. I'm partial to NVidia cards and drivers myself, but I don't run any computer games (at least not games that require fast 3D capabilities).

- Eric
KevinST   2003-09-23 20:11
Thanks Barton for your reply.
ATI have just lost a sale of a brand new 9600Pro to me... guess I'll have to stick with nVidia for my home system then.
Douglas   2003-09-25 06:34
You should be able to get independent heads on Windows XP - dubbed Dual View.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Barton   2003-09-25 07:03
Doug may be right. I havn't tried an ATI card using XP. I am so diappointed with ATI on my W2K PC at work, I knew I wanted nVidia at home. It does seem odd that it would provide independent settings on XP and not on W2K. Afterall, isn;t XP based on the W2K kernel with a fancy GUI?
KevinST   2003-09-25 19:39
Thanks Douglas,
I'm using Win2K at home... and don't really have any need to update this to XP.
Think I'll wait for the 5900FX to come down to a rasonable price.
Douglas   2003-09-26 06:44
In Windows XP they added a way for the video driver to create/add a secondary head from a dual output GPU. This should have been in Windows 2000 or at least should have been added it through a service pack.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Christian Studer   2003-09-26 11:13
ATI does have Windows 2000 drivers with true multi-monitor support for the Radeon 9xxx cards, see my Radeon 9000 review for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Douglas   2003-09-27 03:10
Yes but only if the Radeon 9xxx has a multifunction BIOS loaded on it. This is where the - Secondary driver listing comes from.

Douglas Jordan
Colorgraphic, VP Engineering
Hawke   2003-09-28 10:10
I have been using an ATI 8500 (*&^%$#@) for about two years now I am running two monitors on it. I would like to run three. But according to ATI...... No ATI video card will coexist with another card........ I have seen in here where it has been done. (In the Database) But cant figure it out I lose resources on the ATI card everytime I introduce antoher card no matter what it is.......

Freedom Has a bitter taste the protected shall never saver.........

Points to ponder
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 9600 multi monitor question

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