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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which is the best?
Horza   2003-09-25 02:47
On a Radeon 9800 Pro should I go for Ultramon or Hydravision or are there other programs to enable control over Video-output and Multidisplay?

I don't really want Multiple desktops, what I really need is the possibility to change refresh rate on my 2nd CRT independently of my TFT and use My DVI-TFT as primary?
To be able to play games and have f ex a Txt-file or a webpage, Trillian communicator open on 2nd screen, preferably in over 60Hz. :P

Or play a Movie via WinDVD on 2nd while working on the Primary...

Also I have yet to be able to use Clonemode on Radeon only offer is Extended desktop all clone pages are greyed out or disappears if I turn off Desktop extend?
I tried running Refreshlock when CRT was Primary and I could change Hz well w/out crashing the TFT but it doesn't seem to recognize the 2nd Monitor...any other refreshrate progs that can tweak Multimonitors?

Hope you can help me, I really like my 9800....
Horza   2003-09-25 02:49
A clarification... On my GF4400 I could do a Clonemode and then let WinDVD overlay on 2nd when I wanted to play a movie. That is roughly a wish i have on the 9800...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Which is the best?

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