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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ICQ 2001 move problem
Daetur   2003-09-26 08:31
how can I move ICQ 2001 over to the second
monitor? the 'move to other monitor' option
that usual windows get is not there in icq.

ICQ is set to floating.. but it still auto-
docks on the right border of my first monitor
as soon as my mouse gets on the second monitor.

please help..

thank you

doono   2003-09-26 11:00
search the fuckin board dumbass...

we ´ve had this prob a hundred times now...

i cannot understand why people are 2 stupid to use the search function or just simply read the topics of other users....

get lost, morron
Christian Studer   2003-09-26 11:17
See the FAQ for more information on ICQ on secondary monitors.

Christian Studer -
Daetur   2003-09-26 14:16
I don't see a search function.. you hero
else I would have used it..

thanks for all the help my friend.

Daetur   2003-09-26 22:27
If you have version 2000 or later, use UltraMon™ to move the ICQ window. You won't be able to resize the window once it is on the secondary monitor, so position/size it as desired on the primary monitor first.

and how?

I can't find it, sorry for all the trouble

Ezzemo   2003-12-12 03:57
Easy, to move it just do this:

Open Ultramon Options.
Go to HotKeys
There u will find an option called "Move Windoe to Next Monitor"
Select that and Press "Add Hotkey"
Enter the Hotkey desired (something like Ctrl + Right Arrow)
Then Accept changes and voila..
I think u can figure out the rest, bue just in case ..... :p

Select your ICQ window.. hit your hotkey.
ICQ is on the next monitor.
Don´t touch it or it will go back.

Hope it helps.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ICQ 2001 move problem

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