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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Support 4 or 9 LCD monitors with TV wall effect
Jieh   2003-09-27 21:41

I am an amateur in multi monitor field, and it seems this is a very interest area to dig around. I have spend hours last night, and not able to find out if there is any utility that can do the TV wall effect, i.e. either showing different slide on each invidual monitor or showing a single big slide on all monitors, or playing the DVD movie across 4 or more monitors.

I am thinking about using my P4 machine with 512MB memory and running W2000 to set up the system. For graphic card, any comment about Matrox G450. Will 4 G450 cards do the job for supporting 9 monitors?


skrooks   2003-11-04 10:53
I'd also be interested in knowing how to do this. There is a high performance computing center thing where I live and they have a sweet 3 projector setup where each projector slightly overlays each other for a seamless super widescreen effect. However, they can only do this while running a special flavor of linux (I forget what the name of it is). I was wondering if it would be possible to do something similar through Windows, even if they have to buy a Matrox card or something.
fennyrules   2003-11-11 04:10
Theoretically yes - windows lets you move the relative position of the monitors around, and with identical kit it should all work ok. However it won't work well for video playback, games etc. as hardware acceleration only works on one screen at a time (for directx, openGL may be better).

BTW: 4x 2 output cards = 8 monitors ... have you got onboard video too? If so it normally doesn't like working when you have a graphics card in and has to be disabled.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Support 4 or 9 LCD monitors with TV wall effect

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