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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon Mobility 9600 Pro
Nathan   2003-09-28 10:08
I have a laptop with an ATI M10p (AKA Radeon Mobility 9600 Pro) and Windows XP

I have a dual monitor setup with the VGA out and internal LCD sreens.

My external monitor is an SXGA LCD (19") and my interal monitor is a UXGA (15")

My ideal setup would be to have the external running at native resolution and be primary. Then the interal would be a secondary monitor and also be set at SXGA.

Unfortunatly when I set the interal monitor as a secondary it doesn't scale the picture to be full screen. It just becomes a square in the center of the screen.

This doesn't occur when the interal monitor is primary, and it doesn't occur on the external monitor at all. Does anyone know if this is a driver limitation or ideas on how to work around it?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon Mobility 9600 Pro

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