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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors for Windows XP Remote Desktop Session?
Cyrus   2003-09-30 03:39
Office computer with Windows XP and dual monitors.
Home computer with Windows 2000 and dual monitors.
Accesing Office computer using Windows XP Remote Desktop client on Home computer.

Q: Is there a way to get remote client session on two monitors on Home computer? i.e. Can I move applicaion Windows of remote client session to two monitors connected to home computer?

ecarlson   2003-09-30 10:29
There was a tread here a couple months ago about remote control of multi-monitor computers. It might provide some helpful information, but from what I remember, it didn't look too promising.

If you do find additional information, beyone the original thread, or are able to get something working, please post it here.

- Eric
Cyrus   2003-10-02 03:32
Thanks Eric. We are exploring Citrix Client option for dual monitor support.

I found following thread on this forum for dual monitor support in remote desktop client.
ecarlson   2003-10-02 13:12
Citrix is a rather expensive solution, but if it does the job . . .

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors for Windows XP Remote Desktop Session?

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