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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1/2 framerate with windows covering two displays
Anders   2003-10-02 18:01
Hi all! Hope I can get some answers on this.

I have a Quadro4 XGL900. I have two displays connected to that. Im using the latest drivers 45.23 for quadro. I have VSYNC on for both displays. The refreshrate is 85 Hz. I have a desktop that stretches over both displays. 1280x1024@85Hz.
I get the same thing (see below) in 640x480@60.

Now to the problem:

When I run an opengl application where the window fits one display, it runs fine in 85Hz (the refreshrate). But as soon as I move the window (I dont make it bigger, just moves it) so it comes into both displays, the framerate drops to about half. 42.5 This certainly shows that there is some syncronization issues between the displays. Is there any bells ringing here? It seems to go for most 3D graphics applications.

This is not an issue under linux, with the same settings.
Christian Studer   2003-10-02 18:12
I've seen more or less the same behavior, see the '3D applications' paragraph in my Nvidia review.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1/2 framerate with windows covering two displays

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