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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how to switch monitors off ?
darnt   2003-10-03 06:31
I have a triplehead setup + 1 tv (total 4 monitors). if I watch a movie on the TV I like to switch the other three monitors off, I can disable them with a script but then all windows are dumped on the tv so I prefer to just switch them off.

I have looked in the SDK of ultramon but I cannot find a function that does this. I have found an other third party app that switches all monitors off but that I cannot see anything on my tv anymore.

I can manual swith them off with the hardware buttons but I like it to do with software.
darnt   2003-10-09 00:47
this isn't possible ? or nobody wants it ?

shouldn't be to hard i guess.

Tried to do it with ultramon screensaver options, run a screensaver on the 3 monitors but none on the TV but than the TV just turns black.
mangyrat   2003-10-09 02:37
with ultramon you can do this with display profiles and makeing short cuts on desk top.
but your gona want your main monitor always on so you can get to the short cuts.
i do the same but with 2 monitors one click on a icon and i can turn off the 2nd.
darnt   2003-10-10 00:18
but then you disable a monitor (or more) so all open windows will be dropped onto the tv. and if i switch the monitors back on all windows stay at the tv, and i have to manualy resize and replace them.

I have almost always atleast 10 windows open and resizing them all back is bit frustrating

so I just want to turn the monitors black like a screensaver does.
Christian Studer   2003-10-10 00:45
When you use Disable/Enable Secondary from the UltraMon menu, UltraMon will move the windows back to their original positions when you re-enable the secondary monitors.

Christian Studer -
darnt   2003-10-10 01:53
ok, but the TV isn't the primary monitor, and if i first swith it to primary placement of windows will be lost.

but i fixed it know with 2 scripts.

Const POS_ICONS = &H2
Const POS_ALL = &H7

Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System")
Set tv = sys.Monitors("3")
Set mon1 = sys.Monitors("1")
Set mon2 = sys.Monitors("2")
Set mon5 = sys.Monitors("5")

sys.SavePositions POS_ALL
mon1.Enabled = False
mon2.Enabled = False
mon5.Enabled = False

Const POS_ICONS = &H2
Const POS_ALL = &H7

Set sys = CreateObject("UltraMon.System")
Set tv = sys.Monitors("3")
Set mon1 = sys.Monitors("1")
Set mon2 = sys.Monitors("2")
Set mon5 = sys.Monitors("5")

mon1.Enabled = True
mon2.Enabled = True
mon5.Enabled = True
tv.left = 2400
sys.RestorePositions POS_ALL

The tv.left = 2400 is needed because it doesn't remember the location of the monitors
darnt   2003-10-10 03:31
hmm, only one small thing

The monitors that uses dsub cables turn to standby when I disable them, but the monitors connected with a bnc cable don't go to standby, they turn black but the led stays green instead of orange.

If windows turns the monitors off (due to inactivity) all monitors go to standby (orange led)

all monitors are Iiyama VMP 410.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> how to switch monitors off ?

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