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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Qs. - xp no option to use monitors as independent & y i can see a 'signal' running down one monitor
Justin   2003-10-04 20:26
was wandering if someone can help me. I just got a 17" monitor to dual with my 21".

this is the problem: i just upgraded to XP as well and in the geforce 4 options there is no option to look at monitors as serperate units so i can adjust the resolutions independently - can anyone help?

the second questions i this.

ive noticed with a dual monitor setup (my friend has setup but with win2k instead) we can see a horizontal line (not really strong but it looks like interferance type thing) across the screen (before it was going up from bottom, now its going down from top) - is this cos the monitors are next to each other and causing inteferance? both monitors are running at 85hz.
Christian Studer   2003-10-05 02:38
You can enable Standard (DualView) mode under advanced options for your Nvidia card.

The interference issue can usually be fixed by using different refresh rates for each monitor. See the FAQ for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Qs. - xp no option to use monitors as independent & y i can see a 'signal' running down one monitor

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