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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cold boot problem (dual monitor related?)
Fernando   2003-10-05 21:52
Hi all,
I’m running Windows XP pro, on an AMD 2000+, K7S5A, 768mb RAM, ATI Radeon 9200 Hydravision system. My problem is the following: for two years I ran two 19" CRT monitors with the same set-up (except I had a Matrox g400 then) with no problems at all. Then I swapped the monitors for 2 17" Samsung 172V LCD monitors and after a few days one of the monitors didn't "fully" wake-up after a cold boot (the led stayed green but blinked every two seconds), the monitor stayed blank. The monitor even went from this state to power saving mode (led blinking on /off/on /off), but when I moved the mouse they returned to that strange state. A restart solved the issue then. But the problems got worse and worse and now both monitors don't wake up even after restarts. The only solution is to unplug the VGA cord from the card and hot plugging it. Fearing it was a problem with the Matrox card I swapped it the ATI one. It got better for a few days but the problems started again in the same fashion. I contacted Samsung warranty, they took the monitors, tested them (not in a Dual-Head scenario) and return them because the monitors were OK.
I tried: flashing motherboard with latest Bios, updated all the drivers, swapped video cards, disabled power management in bios, changed power supply, nothing works. I contacted the monitor vendor and he says that he never heard anything like this (but he doesn't have many dual head using clients) and I'm finding it very hard to believe this is a monitor issue (not with both of them). Searching the net didn't help either. It seems the monitors don't like the signal that comes from the PC, or the signal isn't "hot" enough to drive the monitors into fully awake mode. It requires that hot unplugging and plugging to work and I'm afraid to do some real permanent damage to the monitors doing it.
By the way, I have a friend who bought the same two monitors (on the same store) and he used them without a problem on P4 1.4GHz system with Asus mother board and G550 Matrox card. Last week he bought a new PC, P4 3.06Ghz, 800fsb with Asus P4C800 Deluxe mobo. He kept the Matrox card but changed also the case and PSU. He started to have the same problem yesterday.

Do you have any ideas?

Arjan   2003-11-16 01:07

I've the same problems. I use 1 monitor (samsung 172V)

When the system falls in sleep mode or were powered off, the monitor won't start up when the pc starts or wake up.

The monitor starts to display for 10 seconds en goes into blank screen after that.

I don't know what to do.

Arjan Flierman
Arjan   2003-11-16 01:08

I've the same problems. I use 1 monitor (samsung 172V)

When the system falls in sleep mode or were powered off, the monitor won't start up when the pc starts or wake up.

The monitor starts to display for 10 seconds en goes into blank screen after that.

I don't know what to do.

Arjan Flierman
jaybee   2003-12-03 05:33
same probem with 173v.
Please help

Bob   2003-12-04 03:11
We have the same problem with our SAMSUNG 173V Monitor even after switching it to a complete different computer unit.

Very anoying situation.

Osvaldo Lacerda   2003-12-16 04:26
Hi folks, I have the same problem with a monitor 172V (made in UK - aug/2003). And the great problem is that I've bought in Spain (Sep/2003) however I live in Brazil, and the warranty by Samsung Brazil is only for brazilian produts.
ALisson   2003-12-24 07:05
I have the same problem in my second month.

ALisson   2003-12-26 12:49
Hi guys!
If you have nVidia card, try 'General Timing Formula (GTF)' or 'Discrete Monitor Timings (DMT)' in 'nView' setup.

Trevor   2003-12-31 12:42
I have the same problem described by the others on the Samsung 173V monitor using a hp Pavilion a220n which has an NVIDA dsiplay adaptor. I'm convinced that it is not the monitor - all tests on the monitor seem fine. Plenty of people seem to have the same problem - anyone got a solution yet?

T Mugatu
Alisson   2004-01-03 02:51
Ok! I solve my problem w Nvidia card:
Clear ALL pin connectors and put again, disable Vsync and disable auto detect twin view!

jaybee   2004-01-03 11:27
Still have the same problem .
Got ATI aw9700.
Has to be a power management problem.
I have 5 puters in the house,and the problem does not appear on older motherboards 4-5 years old.
I talked to a samsung tech ,and he agrees.
Told me to disable 1st in bios and if still a problem disable in O/S.
I got winXP on all,
I have not solved the problem on the 2 most recent Motherboards ABit BD7II raid.
I am still investigating.
Paul   2004-01-03 15:10
go in power mangerment and under advance make everything never and pick a screen saver that moves.
Casey Lamers   2004-01-03 16:01
I have a similar problem with a 19" viewsonic p95f+ not fully waking up. I have a radeon 9600 aiw on an asus a7n8x-e mobo. As soon as the monitor goes into standby the only way to wake it is to unplug the connection to the monitor from the vga out. Setting the power save mode to never turn off the monitor is working, and I can turn the monitor off and back on manually if the monitor is awake. I don't think it is a monitor problem, but rather a video card or mobo problem (voltage?). If I get a real answer I will follow up.

Eric   2004-01-05 04:19
Call Samsung tech support at 800-726-7864. They will need the model number and serial number. Samsung now (January 5) realizes that some manufacturing runs (batches) of this monitor have a problem. They will do an exchange with a "good" 173V monitor.

FYI: I spoke to Robert -- he was aware of the issue and knew what to do about the exchange (though I'm sure all the support guys do by now)


PS a quick work around is to unplug the video cable and wait until the "no signal" floater appears -- then plug it back in and your monitor will magically work.

PPS this problem has nothing to do with your OS or video card.
Kris   2004-01-07 02:09
I have the same problem. What's really annoying is that I have a perfect screen (no dead or stuck pixels) so I really didn't want to return this monitor. I suppose I have no choice!

I also have no backup monitor so I guess I'll be without a computer for a while :-(
ecarlson   2004-01-07 12:08
If you only have one monitor, what brought you to the multi-monitor forums?

- Eric
Tim   2004-01-07 14:51
I also only have one monitor but a Google search for a Samsung 173V monitor not returning from sleep mode brought me to this forum. I have an older CRT that I can use while the 173V is being exchanged but what a hassle. Thanks to Eric for the information.
wbarber69   2004-02-05 21:42
the problem is probably in the cable set up, leave it the manufacturer to only test something to last up to warranty. thos thin little wires degrade over time, and if they aren't high quality gas sealed wires then they degrade even faster, this effects the voltage, and when a monitor is "sleeping" it's really only running with enough power not to come on, which, by the way makes them break down faster, it's better to turn it off yourself. Anyway the damn thing is set to comeback on when the voltage spikes up to a certain setting, which is probably about.002v more than what it's running on in sleep mode, so after time that little bitty difference in voltage becomes a never gonna happen, the voltage after a few months is lower than when it was new, so it has to spike up higher to get to determined wake up value, but everything is nill if you dissconnect the monitor from what it's waiting for, then the influx of electricity when plugging it back into the vidcard gives it spike and voila, there is a way to avoid this problem, just never use the sleep or standby modes, they are for people that think that is conveinient when all it does is have coming back that much sooner to buy more stuff, my monitor only has 2 settings, always on or "oops the power went out" and I've had this one for 3 years now, and it's just a bright and pretty as ever
Kris   2004-02-14 08:06
Well, I seem to have a slightly different but related problem. My power saving mode has always been disabled, but I get the problems described in this thread when I first switch on the monitor from cold. I have to unplug the VGA cable and wait for the check cable message before continuing. Other than this problem, it's a great monitor.

Ecarlson: A google search brought me to this monitor forum; the natural way to diagnose any problem! My post was both relevent and on topic, even though I only have a single monitor.
jaybee   2004-02-28 14:11
Eric is right=bad batch= got 2 out of 5 returned
from Samsung .Took only 1 week to get them back.
They work well now.Cable does not seem the problem.
Shipped monitor only ;using original cables.

M Judge   2004-08-18 01:50
I have the same problem with dual monitors, that is the primary will not wake-up from a cold-boot. It is a sony cpd e220. The monitor is NOT the problem and has been found to work on other dual systems. I have the latest in regards to drivers and bios flashes. This definitely has something to do with power-managment. To get the monitors to work requires that i swap the monitor cables between the cards and then swap them back before the monitor will wake-up. This does not happen on a warm reboot, and once or twice this didn't happen on a cold boot (the dual monitors worked as they should).

I'm not going to buy a new primary monitor to fix this problem (and i doubt it is the cause anyway). I believe that the computers BIOS power management features and/or those of the vid/card are to blame, because if the primary monitor is plugged into the second card, it will work. Sorry to say it again, but the monitor is not the problem. Hopefully there is a solution to this without having to make a clean install.

Any and all help would be appreciated.
Martin Otley   2004-09-01 10:30
I have very similar problem.
10 systems with ATI Radeon7000 on HP X2100 PC's.
Using hydravision software.
Each system has 2 Samsung 191T monitors.
If the PC's are not shutdown or crash. When starting ( cold ) the second monitor doesn't start. My solution is to enable the monitor in display properties..advanced..displays. The systems are used in continuous operation and I am sick of driving in to fix it. I thought the problem was with the ATI or W2K, however this seems to be a problem with Samsung monitors?
Kyle   2004-09-01 12:00
I don't know if this is the same scenario but when I ran my 17" LCD monitor at 1280 x 1024 75 HZ it worked fine and then when I switched to a 15" LCD it didnt support that high of a refresh rate at that high of a resolution. I must not be grasping the concept of your guys' problem.
Kyle   2004-09-01 12:01
Sorry for double post but I forgot to add that if you are switching to a new monitor that you should make all the settings lower before you do so because then it will just start up in power save mode.
Nate   2004-09-21 03:18
I had a similar problem. My monitor would display for about 2 seconds and then go blank. If I turned it off and back on again, I could see the screen for 2 seconds. This made it very difficult to even log off.

It turns out the problem was with my cable. It was missing one of the prongs. Instead of trying to fix it (It was a cheap monitor anyway), I bought a new one, and have not had the problem at all since (ergo, not the video card).
Barry   2004-09-22 01:33
Would the screen refresh rate have owt to do with your monitors problem,Check for any conflicts.I`m sorry that i cant help any further with your problem
ECarlson   2004-09-23 10:13
Barry: Good suggestion. Temporarilly reseting the refresh rate to something simple and generic, like 800x600@60.hz, would be a good test to see if the monitor just doesn't like the refresh rate setting.

- Eric,
Jason   2004-09-30 02:29
Hello, I have recently run into a very similar problem with a Samsung 17" LCD monitor running on new compaq box with xp pro. The weird thing is that I have set everything to "never" under power management and the monitor will still go to "sleep" after the user goes home for the day. She comes back in and the only way to get the monitor to come back on is to disconnect the monitor while it is on, wait for the no signal colored box to come up, and then plug the cable back in. I have 45 users with the same monitor and same machines and she is the only one experiencing the problem. I have tried a monitor that works fine on another machine, I have tried a new machine, updated the video drivers. Something else that is odd is that we use roaming profiles and I logged her into another machine without the problem. The next day, the monitor on the different machine had the same problem. And now, no matter who logs in, it still has the same problem. Profile related? I have completely recreated her profile and the problem still persists. I have never seen or heard of any profile settings affecting the power of a monitor. Thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Marc   2004-10-05 23:51
I had the same problem with this same monitor (Samsung 173v). The first one I bought worked fine for a week or so then showed up with the problem, so I returned it. The dealer convinced me to take a replacement rather than refund (big mistake). The second worked fine for a few months then this week the problem is back. It's clear that this monitor is a complete lemon. There's no way this problem could show up so many places, and be so intermittent. Last Samsung product I'll ever buy.
knightmoose   2005-04-08 07:56
same same same exact problem im so mad, i purchased this monitor from ebay for 130.00, it was said to be brand new, i plugged it up to my cpu and all it does is blink at start up, I have to unplug it wait untill it says searching for signal or what ever the exact message is you know what i mean then i conncet it back and it works again.. i called samsund they said they would swap out the monitor, via USPS, I told them i bought it at circut city however instaed of ebay.... for obvious reasons but im sure it shouldnt matter, it all over the net about this particular monitor and how some of them off the line have a problem, samsung is aware of this is has been extremly helpful and friendly so my question is should i keep my cords? did the exchange have the base or was it just the monitor?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cold boot problem (dual monitor related?)

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