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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen app on primary display, DVD on secondary (or third/tv out)
Matt   2003-10-07 21:06
I have two 15" monitors set up, and use primarily just these two. When i want to watch dvd, i use the ultramon shortcut display profile to switch on/off the TV out on the AGP card, and watch the dvd on the TV. However if i run a full screen app (ie a game). The DVD playback will continue, but without picture (either when the DVD is in fullscreen or windowed in the TV). If the TV is disabled, and i try to run the DVD in the secondary monitor while gaming, same problem - DVD playback continues (sound/time elaspes) but picture playback stops.

I'm running NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (PCI) and NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (AGP). The DVD player i use is NVDVD2.0. However i've also tried with WMP9 and WinDVD5 - same problems. Obviously running UltraMon v2.2 + i have the 44.03 Drivers.

I've hunted around the old forum posts and looked at the FAQ... can't find the solution.

Is there any solution to this problem ??

Appreciate any/all help !


AMD Athlon XP1800+ (1.53GHz)
384Mb 266 DDR RAM
Integrated NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter
Duel Monitor Setup (also with 1x TV-out enabled)
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (PCI) (64Mb)
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X (64Mb)
Lite-On CD-RW 40x
Samsung DVD-ROM 16x
40Gb OEM Disk Drive 7200
80Gb Western Digital 7200 2Mb Cache
Microsoft Wireless Desktop
Running Microsoft Windows XP Home SP1 (V5.01.2600)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen app on primary display, DVD on secondary (or third/tv out)

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