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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Different desktops for different monitors?
Squally   2003-10-08 04:01
Ok, I have an ati radeon 9000 pro in my agp running two monitors, and some little dinky pci card for one more. Everything works great, I just want to know if I can have one desktop wallpaper for the pci monitor and one for the agp monitors. I have windows 2000 pro and it doesnt see me as having 3 monitors, just 1 really big one and 1 small one, but I hear thats because of 2000 pro. But I don't care if I have one desktop for the two on the agp, just as long as I can have a different one on the pci monitors.

ecarlson   2003-10-08 12:57
You should be able to build a wallpaper to span all 3, and just make the section that covers the third monitor a different image.

Also, you can change it so all 3 act as seperate monitors in Windows 2000 Pro if you want.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Different desktops for different monitors?

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