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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary display (a TV) quits working once windows starts
Tim_Myth   2003-10-08 12:14
I have a VIA Epia M mobo which has an integrated S3 video card and TV-Out, and a PCI GeForce 2 Video Card as well. I have a freshly installed version of Windows XP. I have jumpered the motherboard to use CRT and TV out, and set the PCI card as the primary adapter in the BIOS. When I boot the system, I can see the boot process on the TV, but once I get to the login screen the TV quits working. I have played around with different display drivers (Plug And Play Monitor and Generic TV) and tried various resolutions, color depths, and refresh rates, but nothing seems to work. The only thing that happens is that I get fast diagonal scrrolling white bars, a bunch of static in each corner of teh monitor with thick black bars in the center, a pink square covering the left third of my TV screen, etc. I know its a windows setting problem because it works during the boot process. Any ideas? What do I need for settings to make my TV a functioning secondary display?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Secondary display (a TV) quits working once windows starts

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