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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Codecs errors and playlist(video) controls
Brad   2003-10-11 06:51
First off I wanted to say that this piece of software kicks @$$ !!! But one small prob.
Any video played with the DivX v3 mpeg4 codec will crash every time. Unfortunatly half my movies use that codec. Also, like everyone else, it would be awsome if a video/audio controler and playlist editor could be used while watching active movie. Other than that this is a sweet piece of software...nothing else like it. Keep up the good work.

Brad Davis
Christian Studer   2003-10-11 11:40
Thanks for the feedback.

If you are using Windows XP, try checking the 'use classic video renderer' option on the Options tab.

This is usually an issue with the video card drivers, also see this thread for more on this issue.

Some basic controls are available when 'Keyboard Controls' on the Options tab is checked. Click Help on the Options tab for a list of available commands.

An extended user interface will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Brad   2003-10-12 06:25
When using the classic renderer the same error will occur. I am shown a black screen on both monitors with a "send" or "don't send" error report window. The graphics card (geforce FX 5600) is brand new with updated drivers, and the movies play fine in all other media players. Just out of curiosity; could this be because I am trying to stretch the movie across both monitors' desktops in full screen mode? Thanks for the help and the quick reply.

Brad Davis
Christian Studer   2003-10-12 11:18
It's possible, does it work if you use Monitor style (same video on each monitor)?

Please post the details for the crash message you receive, you can click on the 'more information' link, then click the 'technical information' link and copy the first 3 lines (Exception Information).

Christian Studer -
Brad   2003-10-13 13:51
Exception information
Code: 0xc0000005 Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x0000000000000000 Address: 0x0000000067fbcab

Same error in monitor and desktop mode

Brad Davis
Christian Studer   2003-10-15 13:03
Thanks for the information.

Unfortunately I can't reproduce the problem on my system, works fine both in desktop and monitor mode with a GeForce4 MX dualhead, DivX 5.1. I used the Starcraft Ghost Trailer for testing.

Most likely the display driver and/or video codec have problems with the way VideoSaver is playing the video (multiple video streams instead of only a single one like standard video players).

BTW, if you don't already have the latest version of DivX, installing 5.1 might be worth a try.

Christian Studer -
Brad   2003-10-18 07:27
Hey, great the updated codec!! :)

This didn't really fix the problem, but it did help me figure out what I was doing wrong. Just for future reference; don't check the "extended overlay" option in the divx codec configuration. That's what creates the error message. Thanks for your help, great product. Can't wait for the update!!!

Brad Davis
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Codecs errors and playlist(video) controls

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