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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Surround Gaming
KayTannee   2003-10-18 09:14
Is the only way of doing surround gaming using a Matrox?

I've just got working on my rig, dual monitor gaming on, Vietcong, Ghost recon, GTA:Vice City and Halo. But its completely useless due to the cursur being in the middle of the screen.

Found this (

Which gives me hope can do.
Ross   2003-10-27 18:28
Nope. You can run three monitors with two video cards (1 AGP dual head & 1 PCI single), or even three video cards (1 AGP 2 PCI) to get the same result. Then you just have to get the games to come up in unusual resolutions - ie 3072x768 or some such. Most games listed on Matrox's site will work - I've had good luck with Neverwinter Nights, Flight Sim, Freedom Force, Homeworld 2 and others.

One thing that makes your life easier (as has been noted elsewhere on this board) is to get all cards with the same graphics manufacturer - all Nvidia, or all ATI. Even if they're not the same model card, they should use the same drivers, which helps simplify things...

Have fun!
0ctane   2003-12-13 05:11
Sorry to disappoint, but you cannot accelerated triple-head game on anything but Matrox parahelia right now (and maybe Colorgraphic Xentera). Games need to be able to see a "single" monitor. I too got ghost recon spanned across two monitors using a dualhead card (GeForce MX440). This is possible since the graphics card can treat the two monitors as one large spanned monitor. Adding an additional card does not work since its graphics head cannot be combined with the first (that is, you cannot span to the other card). The multi-head gaming page you refer to has the games rendered in software (slow) as opposed to in hardware. If things have changed in the last four months making the above statements wrong, please let me know.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Surround Gaming

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