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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MX Twinview mini-review
Mitch   2001-02-07 21:43

I got a LeadtekGf2MX DH card on Monday. Everything worked, except the secondary output could not detect my monitor since it is non DCC compliant (non-plug&play). I had to move a smaller one in it's place. As far as Twinview's desktop management goes, it's far from perfect. If I enable the "keep application windows from breaking between monitors", program sub-windows that are placed on the secodary monitor end up back on the primary when closed/reopened or when the program in minimized/maximized. Examples are the Materials editor and Trackview in 3dsMax, floating windows in Digital Fusion and After effects, and such. If I turn this setting OFF, the windows remember their correct position, but certain application specific windows break between monitors, and program popup requestors and alerts come in centered on the Secondary monitor (strange).

The biggest problem I've run into so far is that Quicktime will NOT run when Twinview's Desktop Mangement utiltiy is running. QT crashes when you launch it in both NT4 and Win2k (running Nvidia drivers 6.49)

Hopefully these issues will be addressed with future Nvidia drivers...but I'm not holding my breath. I guess I might be spoiled by Elsa's near-perfect dual screen mangagement under NT4. I used to run a pair of Synergy cards, but they offered no real 3d accel, and would not work in Win2k. I'm curious if there are any other dualscreen management utiities out there that might help with the popup issues. I know Ultramon only works in W2k if you have two video cards.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MX Twinview mini-review

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