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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win Xp Locking up on right click
Stuart   2003-10-27 20:29
I have been having this really strange problem since i started running dual-monitors with ultra-mon, where when i right click to get a context menu, the computer simply freezes and completely locks up. to fix it I have to restart and lose everything.
I am running a laptop, with VGA output onto another monitor and 'extending' the desktop if you like.
Its Win XP pro and running ultramon 2.2.

Has anybody seen a problem like this or knows of any solutions? if they do it would be a great help. Thanks
Christian Studer   2003-10-28 11:25
Seems unlikely that this is related to UltraMon. To verify this, try if you have the same problem after uninstalling UltraMon and rebooting the system.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win Xp Locking up on right click

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