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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon Colour Depth
lainster   2003-10-28 01:02
My multi monitor set up works, however some icons are now behaving as though they are in 16 colour mode. The thing is, the desktops are obviously in 32bit and 16bit, and also the icons that were previously on the desktop before I went multimon are alright as well. Also, the icon looks perfectly fine when viewed in explorer, but when I use it as an icon for a program it just screws it up. Here's a pic:

I don't really know if this is a multimon problem, just it cropped up immediately after so that's all I can think of.

My setup: P2-350, Win2k, primary display is a TNT2, secondary a Voodoo2.

Christian Studer   2003-10-28 11:23
Try if using the same color depth on both monitors fixes the problem. If I remember correctly, using different color depths can cause this issue with Windows 2000.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon Colour Depth

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