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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual mont. compaq
norton   2003-11-08 02:20
I am running win xp home on a compaq 7470 with on board video and a ati 7000 pci video card.
how do I get two monitors to work?
it is making me crazy ,nothing seems to work.
so far all I can do is use one or the other but not both.any idea's???
ecarlson   2003-11-08 02:41
I've never heard of anyone being able to use onboard video and a video card at the same time. For dual monitors, you'll need either 2 video cards, or one dual-out video card.

At home I use one dual-out card. At work, I use 2 cards (one PCI and one AGP), because that's what I had available.

- Eric
Jason   2003-11-08 04:44
if he has both adapters listed in control pannel he should be able to do muli monitor. But I think your right most OEM computers with On board video getting dual output would be unlikely to happen. Unless he has a open AGP port where he had the choice of running either Onboard video or add on AGP card. in that case he would be able to use mulit-monitor support. But I'm willing to guess he just has an open PCI slot and it either turns on the PCI video or the onboard and that would be switchable from BIOS. he could get like a cheap Nvidia PCI dual head card that will work. I think like a Geforce MX440 64meg I've seen some of them have dual head. but his res would make out at 1024x768 on both heads. if he use both heads. but if he found a 128 meg card he would get more.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual mont. compaq

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