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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> A question about compatibility and PCI
Dan   2003-11-10 08:32

Well I recently purchased another monitor and an S3 Virge for dual monitors. Big mistake, apparently my ATI RADEON 8500 can't be set as not primary, and the same for the virge.

When the virge is secondary, it cannot start (code 10) and when it is primary windows blue screens and quickly resets as soon as I go to log in.

I have tried a Trident 9440 instead and same scenario.

Basically, what cheap PCI Videocard would work?

Do PCI Vantas need to be primary to work?
m2h   2003-11-10 18:19
I think it less a card conflict and more an operating system limitation. What operating system do you use? I know when I had an ATI Radeon VE AGP and a S3 Virge DX/GX PCI in the same machine with Windows XP installed I would not be able to get the ATI card to act as primary. The workarounds didn't work either. Originally it did work under Windows 98SE however. Microsoft has a list of what cards don't work anymore in a dual configuration. I don't remember where it is, and I'm sure it's very dated now.

Sorry I can't recommend a secondary choice for a video card.
zima   2003-11-11 00:25
From my personal experience, old matrox pci cards (millenium, mystique, mil2) work fine in XP when not primary
marco   2003-12-18 04:14
i am running a gf2 and an s3 virge and my dual monitors work fine all u do is have 2 set the primary adapter to pci in the bios menu .....

for more details contact me on msn or email me
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> A question about compatibility and PCI

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