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Forums -> VideoSaver -> 3x3 setup
Mark   2003-11-13 19:42
would video saver be able to handle a 3x3 monitor setup and play a video spanned accross all 9 monitors? I been trying to research this and I dont want to get the monitors if its not gona work. Hers my hardware list 1 fx5600(agp) and 4 fx5200(pci). Would this be possible. If not would it be possible to make the 3x3 just one big desktop and play a slide show of .jpg files on all 9 instead of a movie?
Christian Studer   2003-11-14 11:00
In theory this should be possible, but I can't guarantee it. You also might have performance problems with 9 monitors, which could lead to the video being out of sync on the different monitors.

Regarding the slide show: if your slide show application can be maximized to the desktop, this should work fine. I'm not aware though of any slide show application which has a 'maximized to desktop' fullscreen mode.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> 3x3 setup

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