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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to Span mode for games (Command & Conquer)
Martyn Iles   2003-11-14 11:17
I've just got my dual monitors setup (Asus v9560 Dual DVI video card with a Hyundai Q17 and Iiyama Pro 450) and am getting used to it in XP but I'd like to be able to play games using both monitors.

I understand that I need to be in 'span' mode so instead of two monitors at 1280x1024 I need to set things up for a single monitor of 2560x1024.

Is there a way I can do this _easily_ when I want to play?

I've tried to find an option in the Ultramon menus for the game shortcut (eg Command and Conquer Generals, right click the shortcut and properties) but I can't find a way of changing to span mode.

Is there a way to easly change between dual view and span modes??

Martyn Iles   2003-11-18 03:56

I've found the game script which disables a secondary monitor, but I cannot see anything in the Ultramon object model that deals with the SPAN option in display properties.

Anyone if there's a way to do this in code/script?

Martyn Iles   2003-11-18 10:35
The nView Profile option is a 'no go' - loading a profile always seems to enable the full nView Desktop which seems to disagree with MultiMon - I get tons of windows appear for applications that usually have no visible window!

Does anyone here use multi monitors for gaming?
mindabsence   2003-11-19 08:33
I do use multiple monitors for surround gamimg using the span mode. I have not found a faster way to enable it, I don't do it often so when I do I just have to go through all the display settings to enable it.
Christian Studer   2003-11-19 10:13
UltraMon doesn't support activating driver-specific modes such as span and clone mode.

I'm going to look into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it can be done.

Christian Studer -
Martyn Iles   2003-11-19 23:32
Thanks for the replies.

I've also had to revert to manually switching backwards and forwards, which isn't really too much hassle.

Is there a way to get UltraMon and the Nvidia desktop manager to co-exist (so I can use its profiles)?

I'll try and go through some of the Nvidia SDK stuff and see what's possible on the mode changing front. I assume its exposed somewhere, so its just a matter of making the right calls....
Christian Studer   2003-11-24 01:35
I haven't noticed any issues with the desktop manager from the 52.16 drivers, but haven't done in-depth testing.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switch to Span mode for games (Command & Conquer)

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