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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help needed
Shottabits   2003-11-15 03:35
Hi, I need some help.

I am trying to set up a spanned display over three monitors. Currently my kit consists of 2X 17” Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410’s plugged into a G-Force FX 5200 PCI, and 1X Hansol 900P plugged into a G-Force 4 Ti 4400. The nVidia drivers loaded are ForceWare Ver with nView 3.0. The XP setup part to get my desktop over the three monitors was no problem with the Ti 4400 being in the AGP slot, the bios booting to the agp and XP seeing the card ok. The monitor is set to the primary display and registers as the number 1 when I look at identify. The two Vision Masters are placed to each side, and show up ok as number 2 and 3 respectively.

I can get the two Vision Masters to span ok using nView as number 2, and 3 to appear as one big one in XP’s properties, and if they were side by side I would have a working set up if two monitors were my goal.

I have read the technical pdf from nVidia and know that nView can only handle 2 monitors when spanning, though it doesn’t really explain why I cannot span using 2 monitors across one of the Vision Masters on the 5200 and the Hansol on the Ti 4400.

To add to the dilemma, my whole reason for trying this is to get a big honkin field of view while playing Battlefield 1942, a DirectX driven game. I saw a screen shot from a chap somewhere on the net who had somehow got 3 monitors to work with this game, and unfortunately thought to myself “I gotta get me some of that”. I am using DirectX 9 and have read somewhere that when it starts up in a multi screen environment it displays on the primary monitor only, and having set the hansol to primary, seen this happen. It also starts ok on the two VM’s when they are spanned via the 5200 and seen by XP as being a large display and are set to be the primary diaply.

It would seem that if I can get XP to see all three displays as one big one using spanning, or any other technique, all my sorrows would be over.

Does anyone know how to include the third monitor into the span set? Or am I trying something that cannot be done?

If not, I guess my next step is to hire some goons, and track the chap who’s screenshot started all this down, and have him serial weggie’d until I find out how he did it.

Any help you chaps can give me would be greatly appreciated, and would save some poor fella from having his underwear forcibly removed by large men in public places.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help needed

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