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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MultiMonitors for a laptop
jerryrawlins   2003-11-15 07:47
Is it possible to hookup 4 monitors to a Toshiba Satellite 3 ghz lap top computer

Thanks Jerry
ecarlson   2003-11-15 14:35
In what manner? If you want the 4 monitors to show the exact same thing, I think there are devices to take one video out, and split it to run on multiple monitors. If you want different stuff on each monitor, you'll need a video out for each monitor. There are PCMCIA, and other types of video cards for laptops, but I'm not sure what it will take to get 4 monitors working. I do know it won't be cheap.

- Eric
Charlie Callahan   2003-11-15 15:49
Yes, it can be done. Your Toshiba laptop probably has high-end mobile graphics built in (most likely from nVidia), so you already have dual-monitor capability... one on the laptop screen, the other connected to the auxiliary video output on the back.

Then, for monitors 3 and 4, you can plug a card bus-to-PCI extension module into your PCMIA slot, then install whatever dual-monitor PCI video card you desire. If your Toshiba has nVidia graphics, I would use an nVidia card in the expansion module... using an ATI or something else could create all sorts of driver conflicts.

The MAGMA division of Mobility Electronics is one of a handful of companies that make these PCMIA to PCI extension gizmos. They are not cheap. The smallest one, for one PCI card, runs about $850, and when you add the video card, you're looking at close to a thousand bucks.

Of course, you can go nuts with this. You can get the module for two PCI cards, install two quad-output cards (from Matrox, Appian, etc.), and then you'll have TEN monitors... two off of the laptop, eight off of the MAGMA module. In theory (LOL!), it will work just fine. This is now getting into the $3000 to $4000 range.

Again, this can be done, and it should work, but it will be much more expensive than doing it on a desktop that already has available expansion slots.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck!

Charlie Callahan
ecarlson   2003-11-16 13:57
I don't know what your needs are, but if you need a small computer to connect to 4 monitors, then get a small form factor computer, and put in a 4-output AGP or PCI video card, or a dual-out AGP card plus a dual-out PCI card. Many small form factor computers have 2 card slots.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> MultiMonitors for a laptop

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