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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Near Ancient Dual Monitor Woes
Jacob   2003-11-16 09:00
I'm trying to set up a dual monitor system with a Dell P780 on a Radeon 7200 and an ooooold NEC Multisync 2 (from an old Compaq Deskpro 386, yeah, I know...) on a s3 ViRGE PCI (325) and I've hit a snag. I've got to the point where the new monitor has on its screen:

If you can read this message...(and so on)

...adjust the settings on the Setting tab.

Well, when I open up display properties and see the little diagram with the monitor [1] and monitor [2], I try to enable the monitor by checking the "Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor." box. Monitor [2] turns blue on the diagram. I then click a apply/OK and the monitor dissables (turns faded gray on the diagram). Nothing happens. Even when the system is set to reboot right after I click apply/OK, after the reboot the new monitor has the same "If you can read this..." message. Am I missing something here? Could it be the second monitor's age? Is there some setting I'm not aware of dissabling it? Can anybody help me?

Jacob   2003-11-16 12:22
btw, I'm running Win98se with a Pentium 3 at 800Mhz with 128 RAM, just so all things are taken into consideration.

ecarlson   2003-11-16 14:28
The MultiSync 2 has a limited range of resolutions and refresh rates. Make sure you are using something it supports.

Start with an old standard, like 640x480@60.hz, and see if that works on the MultiSync 2. Then go up from there if it works.

- Eric
Jacob   2003-11-17 08:04
I can set the second monitor to 640x480 (though even after the monitor deminsions are set, it reverts to its "inactive" state" but when changing the refresh rate I can only select Optimal and Adapter Default. It was set on optimal and whenever I tried to change it to default, I get the error message...

(X) Windows was unable to change your display's refresh rate.

Is there anyway to tweak it to the exact number of hertz?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Near Ancient Dual Monitor Woes

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