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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATi and Multiple-monitor Spanning
dem   2003-11-16 19:58
Does anyone have any knowledge of ATi's stance on this issue? Are they working on any type of support for spanning monitors? Are they at all interested in this type of support, via software OR hardware?

I really don't want to throw my 9700 Pro in the trash (eBay), but I want spanned monitors in 3D apps, and at this point it appears Matrox is the only option.

Is there any way to get a 9700 Pro and any other combination of PCI cards to get three monitors in a spanned (or at least reliable, independent) configuration?

Ellsworth   2003-11-22 04:09
I have an ATI 8500, and I would love to know if anyone has spanned movies or DVDs on multimonitors using ATI as well.
Daniel   2003-11-24 06:39
I too would be interested. I just bought an ATI Radeon 9800 All-In-Wonder PRO and want to use dual monitors. However, the ATI Radeon 9800 is "telling" Windows it has monitor one and two already. Under Devices Manager under Display Adapters, the 9800 is showing up twice. I put in the PCI card and Windows keeps it disabled. Why?

Phy   2003-11-28 07:37
I had this happen, too. I had to tell my system that the PCI card is the Primary in BIOS, and then it worked.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATi and Multiple-monitor Spanning

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