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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second card stopped working after 2 months??
Ian   2003-11-18 08:46
Hi, I have been running a triple monitor setup perfectly for about 2 months. Last weekend I came home and found the monitor running off of my second card with black lines running up and down (moving slightly back and forth). I checked device manager and my promise raid controller was having conflicts with something. So I reinstalled the promise controller and that got rid of the conflicts except now my second card won't work. It shows up in device manager but not under display settings. If I uninstall the card and reinstall it does show up but when I enable it, the black lines are there and it's unusable. I have tried using 2 nvidia cards and 1 ati and none of them work. I don't think it's a setting in windows because if I boot my PCI card first everything is distorted and garbled prior to windows even loading. I'm almost at the point of buying a new motherboard but this will set me back about $150 or so. Please Help.


My System:
2.8 800mhz p4
1gb Dual Channel DDR RAM
MSI 865PE Neo Fisr2 mobo
ATI Radeon 9800Pro primary card
ATI Radeon 7500 pci as my second card
2x 120gb SATA HDs in RAID 0 config
no other pci devices.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second card stopped working after 2 months??

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