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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Mixing on PC
John   2003-11-23 02:05
So I'm hunting around the web trying to find the best way to do this.

Some friends and I are looking to build an art piece and throughout the piece we want to have multiple monitors displaying digital images and/or video.

basically making the PC look like a big Video Mixer where different monitors would be displaying different images as you walked around it.

Where do I need the horsepower for somthing like this???
Is it in the CPU or the Video card???

I'm currently looking at 5 different monitors are we talking about a lot of money to get this system set up???? Or should I go buy a cheap system with lots of harddrive and cram a really highend video card in it???

Just looking for input now since I'm in the research phase now.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Mixing on PC

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