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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Shutting down PC
PDM   2003-11-23 07:33
Hello All,
I just finished setting up two monitors on my Windows XP system. I have a strange problem that occurs while trying to shut down Windows. I have UltraMon running also. I hit the Start> Turn off computer, and then all I get is a quick flash of the Turn off Computer window. It disappears completely. I try again then it works fine. Has anyone experienced this issue before?
mindabsence   2003-11-23 10:07
I have had that happen a little lately, I've mostly just ignored it though it seems to work properly about 90% of the time.
Christian Studer   2003-11-24 01:33
This is an issue with UltraMon 2.3. A patch is available, see this thread for details.

Christian Studer -
PDM   2003-11-24 10:46
Thank you very much for the help..
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Shutting down PC

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