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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> External screen as primary (laptop)
Juan Miguel Venturello   2003-11-23 18:43
Hi all. I work on a Compaq EVO 610c laptop with an ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 card. Today I added an external 17" LCD. Since this is the one located in front of me and the laptop at the left, I want this to become the primary screen when connected but the display control panel applet wont let me - the checkbox to use second monitor as primary is grayed out. So I am either using mirroring (what I am doing now) or primary the laptop, which is not what I would like (need to twist my head to see the start menu, this is a small desk).

Also another problem is with mirroring I can only set the resolution at 1024x768, the LCD's resolution is 1280x1024, so its not optimal.
Anyway, any ideas what I can do to solve my problem? Thanks all for help,

Juan Miguel Venturello
Juan Miguel Venturello   2003-11-23 19:49
Got it to work after an hour messing around. Should have messed more before posting... :)

Nevermind then!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> External screen as primary (laptop)

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