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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 5900, DualView + TV
Shades   2003-11-24 09:46
I have the Leadtek edition of GeForce FX 5900 with ViVo. My DualView setup has been working really well with the primary monitor on VGA and the secondary on DVI. In addition to that I have now connected my TV to the ViVo-port with a composite connection, and here's where the trouble begin.

The only way I've managed to get output to the TV is by unplugging my secondary monitor and restarting the computer. Now, if I reconnect my secondary monitor to the DVI, I can choose to switch back from "Monitor + TV" to "Monitor + Monitor" which is excellent. The problem is though, as soon as I do that, the option of switching back to "Monitor + TV" disappears. And I have to do the whole routine again to get output to the TV.

Is there any way I can have both monitors and the TV connected simultaneously, and choose from within Windows XP which I want to use?

Very grateful for any suggestions!

CoolNSyd   2003-12-04 22:56
I have the exact same problem. I just emailed Leadtek for an answer - will post here if/when they respond.
CoolNSyd   2003-12-04 23:13
OK, found the solution myself anyway, it's probably the same for your model: I went to Display Properties ... Settings ... Advanced ... GeForce FX 5600 ... Troubleshooting ... then put a check in the checkbox marked "My connected TV does not appear in this list". (I'm using the latest nVidia-supplied driver, not the Leadtek version, so look for this if your driver is missing this fix.)
Shades   2003-12-10 10:23
Wow, a troubleshooter that works, nice! :)

I solved the problem by reinstalling the drivers with all three units connected - both monitors and the TV. Then everything showed up in the list.

I guess I only had the monitors plugged in when I installed the drivers the first time, and that caused them to have trouble recognizing the TV.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 5900, DualView + TV

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