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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen visualisations on secondary monitor
Richard Deakin   2003-11-24 23:28
I have a MSI FX5600 My TFT is connected as the primary and a plasma screen in another room as the secondry. Im trying to run visualisations full screen on the secondary monitor but they always swich back to the primary. I have tried switching the primary and secondary round but it makes no difference. Ive tried Media player9, winamp 3 and milkdrop 1.4 and cant get any to work. I have the latest drivers from nVidia can anyone help :)
David   2005-11-14 04:02
I too am having this problem, but I have discovered that with Milkdrop you can set it to be integrated with winamp and then run it windowed on the second monitor... take the window with milkdrop running and drag it over to your second monitor - sizing it to fit over the entire thing. It will remember this position each time it is opened. I've only been able to do this with Milkdrop, though. It's actually running in the first monitor, drug off to the side onto the second monitor... Every other visualization plugin i've tried will do this, but as soon as you close and restart the visualization, it will jump back to the main monitor. I would love to be able to use some other visualizations on my second monitor (which in my case is a tv), but only milkdrop will stay put in windowed mode.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen visualisations on secondary monitor

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