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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Splitters
Scott   2003-12-01 04:10
Is there a monitor splitter that doesn't just clone the primary screen, but also stretches the picture across all screens?
Scott   2003-12-01 05:33
Also, does anybody have anyway of pointing me in the direction of various documents on the technical aspects of nview. I'm curious on how 'horizontal/vertical' span work relative to the drivers and graphics card.
ecarlson   2003-12-01 13:34
First question: Most likely no.

Second question: What exactly do you want to know? I assume you've read the NView docs.

- Eric
Scott   2003-12-01 16:16
I have, but they don't go into the level of detail I'm talking about. I mean I want to view schematics and drawings that get down to the component level so I can learn what makes it tick. I mean, what makes the screen go across both? Does it add up both horizontal and vertical resolutions on both monitors and tricks the computer into thinking it's one? If that's so, what's stopping it from doing 3, 6, even 9 monitors? Isn't this a software issue and not a hardware one?

Also, how come we need to use a graphics card with a gpu for each monitor? How does a twin or even a quad monitor work? Multiple gpu's on one board (read as 1 for for each monitor connection)?

Thanks guys! I'm new here. Nice to meet you all (pretends he said it 1st post).
ecarlson   2003-12-02 14:58
I don't know those answers. I would guess that you need a GPU for every monitor, and I would also guess that if you shared memory space between 2 GPU's, you could just map your image to the whole memory space, and display part via one GPU, and part via another GPU, and that would, in theory, also work if you had more than 2 GPU's on the same card.

But I don't use the stretch mode on my NVidia card. I use the dual-independent mode, and I can still stretch my app windows across both monitors. You can even do that if you have multiple seperate video cards. It's pretty simple to stretch a 2D app across many monitors, but not so simple for accelerated 3D.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Splitters

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