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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> xp boots up in wrong res with Nvidea 3d force 4 mx440
MICK HENDERSON   2003-12-01 19:26
Hi Guys , I have installed nvidea dual head card everything works great until I shut down . When I reboot both monitors are in the wrong resolution and it tells me it has booted up with the default VGA driver .There are no conflicts , it tells me that my card is installed and working correctly although it says it is in PCI slot 1 ???? It is is the AGP port . I have to reinstall the software then reboot and it is fine , then when a I shut down sure enough next time wrong resolution . How do I make it see the correct drivers . I tried to uninstall the drivers for my ati 16 MEG RAGE CARD and it wouldnt let me . XP 2.66 mhz 512 ram I have tried everything I know PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!

Bas   2003-12-02 04:39
and you don't have problems when you boot with one monitor?
And if only the resolution is changed, you can change it back (but i think i diddn't understand you question 100%)

did you tried google already (I think you did)
did you tried the producers site?
dis you tried a bigger forum ?

ecarlson   2003-12-02 15:05
I had that problem on my Ti4200 when I reverted from 52.16 drivers back to 41.09 drivers.

I reverted because hibernate mode doesn't work for me with any drivers newer than 41.09.

I did uninstall the 52.16 drivers before reinstalling the 41.09 drivers.

I fixed it by uninstalling the 41.09 drivers and installing them once again. The whole process required a dozen or so reboots, and my computer takes a while to boot, so it was frustrating.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> xp boots up in wrong res with Nvidea 3d force 4 mx440

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