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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Works good, but need keyboard commands
Emar   2003-12-01 23:05
The video saver works good on 4 monitors, each connected to its own Geforce FX5200 card, but only if the resolution is quite low. I get 0.5 fps when I try to play a 4096x768 movie.

I would like keyboard shortcuts to assign video files to, so if you press the "1" button, then it plays file one, and if you press the "2" button, it plays file 2.
Christian Studer   2003-12-02 07:03
Thanks for the suggestion.

If you only have a few files, you can use the left/right arrow keys to move to the previous/next video.

You'll need to enable keyboard controls under Options.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Works good, but need keyboard commands

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