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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor with individual Profiles
Peter Corbett   2003-12-04 20:11
I know this is an much discussed topic but I am still unclear and confused. Can I use have individual profiles for individual monitors using a Matrox Parhelia and XP Pro ? Some say it can be done others say no!!
Curtis   2004-02-04 07:08
Im also having trouble with this feature. My setup entails two seperate user profiles, one for regular desktop applications and while im sitting squarely at my desk, the other i wish to view from far away, i.e my bed several feet away. In order for me to do this, i scale down the resolution and ultramon seems to adapt fine, but the problem is when you try to rescale it back to the normal/higher resolution, this is where it chokes and simply gives you the lower of the two resolution in memory.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor with individual Profiles

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