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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hang on Boot with Trident Card
Mode7   2003-12-05 19:54
Well, I've got dual display working with the DVI and VGA on my Radeon 9700, and I tried adding a third, connecting to a Trident 96xx/938x (according to Device Manager, I'd never heard of it before trying this). I get the Error Code 10, which is fine, as I've seen a solution where you adjust the BIOS to boot with the PCI card. I tried that, and everything runs smoothly to the XP boot screen (with the scrolling bar). It will just sit there, scrolling. I've left it like that for 15 minutes and more, and it just sits there. I know it's kind of an obscure problem, but I'm interested to see if anyone has had this happen before and if so, what they did to correct it. Thanks for any help.
ecarlson   2003-12-06 03:46
First try getting it working with only the PCI card installed, then once it's working properly, put back in the AGP card and let us know if it still works.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hang on Boot with Trident Card

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