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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Complete Windows-GUI flickers :(
amalesh   2003-12-08 00:40
Hi all!

Have a realy strange problem and maybe somebody knows it and can give a hint or knows a solution.

Every once in a while when I open a new window the complete GUI is freaking out. Everything is flickering (not like wrong refresh rate flickering!), the desktop isn't available anymore because everything gets gray, some window titles jumping around, the taskbar jumps from the bottom to the top, icons of the taskbar disappear, mouse movement increases the flickering. After closing the last openend window with CTRL+F4 or ALT+F4 (sometimes I need to press it a few times) the flickering is over...

The problem: I can't setup an environment where I can reproduce it all the time - sometimes everything is OK for hours and sometimes after 10 minutes it's all as described above. It starts sometimes when I open a link in a browser or open the desktop properties or open ms-word. Can't find a rule... :/

It has nothing to do with UltraMon because the "effects" are coming even with closed UltraMon.
(But maybe I find some experienced users here :))

My system:
Windows 2000 SP4, G450DH/32MB Bios 1.2.021 driver, Motherboard Gigabyte GA-7ZXR

Thanks in advance!
ecarlson   2003-12-09 13:36
For starters, you might want to reseat all the cards and connectors inside and outside your computer (with the power off of course). And make sure all the fans are working, and that it is relatively free of dust inside.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Complete Windows-GUI flickers :(

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