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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Rage 128 Pro / Mach64 + Win2000
Mike Pandyra   2003-12-09 08:15
Ok, so after doing some reading and playing around with my system, I've finally made some progress, but I've still got an issue that's plaguing me.

I have set my BIOS to initialize the older, PCI, Mach64 card first. I boot my system and everything works as expected, until I reac the Windows 2000 "Starting up..." screen. As soon as the progress bar reaches 100%, the AGP card kicks in and loads from there on in, while the image on the PCI card halts and stays frozen.

I checked the Device manager and Windows is giving me the "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" error on the Mach64 card.

The card has proper drivers installed, and it works without a problem if it's the only one in the system.

Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Mike Pandyra
ecarlson   2003-12-09 13:45
I had an old AGP card (I think it was ATI), that wouldn't allow any PCI video cards to work in Windows 2000. That's one of the reasons I bought my NVidia Ti4200 card.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI Rage 128 Pro / Mach64 + Win2000

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