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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sound when moving between monitors and scrolling in IE
jason   2003-12-10 02:33
Okay .. so I've read that a lot of people experience scratching when moving windows between monitors and scrolling in IE, which is what is happening to me.

I have turned Hardware Accelleration off on all three monitors, and this did not fix the problem but certainly made the scratching less apparent. I have Asus A7S333 Mainboard with Athalon 1800+ processor, a 4 meg ATI PCI card, a 32 meg Herculese PCI card, and a 128 NVidia FX5200 AGP card running 3 monitors.

Is there any way to get rid of the scratching ... like going to a PCI sound card??

Thanks for the input, just found this site and this is my first time posting .. hope to learn a lot from you guyz and galz...

o0slushee0o   2003-12-12 16:33
um ... anyone know what's a good PCI sound card that will not create the scratching?

Plz respond!! ... thanks guyz
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Sound when moving between monitors and scrolling in IE

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