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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce FX 5200 dual monitors from one card?
o0slushee0o   2003-12-10 15:24
I just bought a Gforce FX 5200 from Nvidia, if I were to buy a DVI-I to VGA adapter for it (specifically from ATI) can I run two monitors from the one card by plugging in a second monitor?

The adapter is on the way, so I sure hope so =)

thanks for the info ... i'm sure somebody has tried this... lemme know if it works or not.
Mindabsence   2003-12-11 11:26
Yes you can run two monitors on that card, from what I know every 5200 and up can do 2 monitors.
XblackdemonX   2004-01-13 08:33
yes it works, i have the same card as you
Paulie   2004-04-12 04:17
IN fact there should be a DVI-to-VGA convertor included with the video card.
Darren   2004-05-10 04:40
i have installed two monitors,first is using VGA and second is using DVi.Make sure your second monitor has Dvi ports. It works very well.
m2h   2004-05-11 10:48
>>"if I were to buy a DVI-I to VGA adapter for it (specifically from ATI)"

DVI and VGA are standards, so it should not matter where you obtain the adapter from.

>>"IN fact there should be a DVI-to-VGA convertor included with the video card."

Unless it was bought OEM, or possibly used.

>>"Make sure your second monitor has Dvi ports."

The monitor doesn't need a DVI connection, if she gets the DVI to VGA adapter.

-- m2h was here ;)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce FX 5200 dual monitors from one card?

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