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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI-VGA adapter or cable
unXetas   2003-12-11 04:47
Hi :)
I've got a second hand GF4 Ti4600 with VGA and DVI outputs.. I'm currently looking to buy an adapter to plug a CRT monitor to the DVI output, but local shops only carry adapter CABLES, not the small adapters I see on the internet.. I've heard these cables wouldn't allow the second monitor to function independently but rather as a clone of the first monitor..

Any information you might have?

btw, if anyone from portugal knows where to buy an adapter, please say something :D
ecarlson   2003-12-11 15:11
If the cable is DVI to VGA, it should work exactly the same as the adapters. But the adapters are probably cheaper. I got my adapter at, but I don't know where they ship.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI-VGA adapter or cable

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