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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 9800 pro and dual monitors
StrandgecK   2003-12-12 13:51
Im trying to get dual monitors working in Windows 2000 with the ATI Radeon 9800 pro using the DVI adaptor.. at first I was getting an 'unexpected kernel mode trap' BSOD error when I tried to boot up with the 2nd monitor attached, then I unchecked "Alternate DVI operational mode" in the setup, and now windows boots all the way but both monitors turn off as if they arent receiving a signal?? and I'm pretty sure windows loads because if I type in my password and press enter I hear the startup .wav play and the HDD has activity.

thanks for any help :)
Seb Telfer   2003-12-12 16:06
You might want to try changing the resolution of either monitor in safe mode. I have a digital monitor that can only handle a minimum res of 640*480, and I had the same prob. I got around it by trying different res and refresh rates. And if you reboot and it doesn't appear, try removing the monitor driver and using a standard or different driver. If it's an LCD, check your manual because that can change modes during startup and you might be able to change them through the physical buttons on your LCD.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 9800 pro and dual monitors

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