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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI, Video Cards, LCD panels, and other Misc. Questions.
DarrylB   2003-12-14 07:46
Hey all, Ive been using dual monitors for a while now, but im about to upgrade my pc, with a whole new set of stuff.

Im going to an amd 64bit pc, with a gig of ram. Probably mid to late january (Hopefully i can get the 1000mhz bus by then)

Anyways, back on topic. My first question is, whats the difference between these DVI and the old monitor hookup? Besides it being "digital" What are the benefits? Besides it costing a bit more money?

Videocards: Anyone know of a good realtively well priced video card that supports 2 DVI, if not 3? I dont wanna spend more than 200$ and im an NVIDIA fan. (i currently use a GeForce4 MX 440 dual head)

LCD Panels: Im noticing the prices are going down,. and i am planning on getting two 18inch lcd panels. I am seeing the CHEAP ones starting at low 400's. Im seeing the expensive ones (Sony, Viewsonic, etc) for mid to high 500's and up. Anyone know what the disadvantages to these cheaper ones? (Aopen, BenQ, etc).

Any advice? Recommendations? Thanks!!!

ecarlson   2003-12-15 13:19
There are some good, inexpensive dual-DVI NVidia cards. See earlier threads on that.

LCD monitors are digital devices. I've seen some VGA-only LCD monitors that do a bad job of displaying the image, but there might be some that look very good.

With DVI, the signal is perfect digital all the way from the computer's processor to the screen. With VGA, the video card first has to convert the computer's digital information into analog information, then send it via wires to the monitor, then the monitor has to take the analog signal and convert it back to digital for the LCD monitor to display. There's never a perfect analog to digital or digital to analog conversion, so you potentially lose in 2 places (3 if you count analog signal losses in the video cable).

With a CRT monitor, you have to use an analog signal, since it is an analog display device, but most DVI outputs (all DVI-I outputs) also have pins for analog signals to drive analog monitors using an adapter.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI, Video Cards, LCD panels, and other Misc. Questions.

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