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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> screen saver separately...?
Mike   2003-12-17 04:38
Is there a way that only the monitor that I move my mouse on turns off the screen saver? and the other monitor continues with screen saver until I move my mouse on the second screen??
ecarlson   2003-12-17 14:27
Not that I've heard of. Sounds like a cool idea though. Actually, I'd prefer it if there was the option to keep the second monitor in sleep mode, or at least blank until an application opened on it, or was moved to it.

- Eric
Mike   2003-12-18 14:14
I think that shouldn't be so hard to implement in a new wersion of ultramon???
wbarber69   2004-01-24 06:38
I agree, with the constantly falling prices of plasma screens, you wouldn't want to have a single image displayed for very long, ans they are know to have severe burn in problems, you'd think that if you spend more than 4 grand on a tv then it shouldn't be ruined by watching one channel for too long I think these guys are scamming us
94Transam   2004-01-31 06:50
Do a search for Ultramon, it lets you use separate wallpapers and screensavers.
94Transam   2004-01-31 06:51
ok, im an idiot. next time ill read first!.lol
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> screen saver separately...?

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