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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Deciding on a Secondary PCI video card
J Sugiura   2003-12-17 10:55
I currently have an ATi Radeon 8500 AGP + ATi Rage Pro Turbo PCI setup -- PCI on BIOS primary since it gets a Code 10 in Windows XP Pro otherwise.

I'm thinking of replacing the Rage Pro Turbo with either a ATi Rage 128 or an nVidia plain TNT2, TNT2 Vanta or TNT2 M64 (the differences between the TNTs seem to be minimal, but just making sure..) becuase the monitor I have attached to the PCI is denoted as "1" even when I make the first monitor on the AGP primary, which confuses the hell out of many of the apps I use. I waded through the forum for a day or two but I couldn't find a straight answer if either card worked as secondary or not.

Any insight is appreciated,


Jo Sugiura
ecarlson   2003-12-17 14:36
I think the TNT PCI cards will work as secondaries. I have a computer at work with a pair of TNT2 M64's (one PCI, and one AGP), and Windows 2000 works fine with either one set as primary in BIOS.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Deciding on a Secondary PCI video card

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